Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Irem 'M72-ROM-C' board reproduction

Here's another reproduction I made lately.This time not of a custom IC but an entire board, more exactly the top one (silkscreened 'M-72-ROM-C') from R-Type, the horizontal-scrolling shooter arcade game developed and released by Irem in 1987 and running on 'M-72' hardware.

I tried to stay as much closer as original board (that contains program code and sprites data) so everything from the original layout was kept including silkscreening. mounting holes and so on.The only variation I made was to use surface mounted by-pass ceramic capacitors on bottom side instead on thru-hole ones on top.

Here's how the replica looks (with the original ROM set mounted) :

Here's a side-by-side comparison of original board on the left and reproduction on the right 

To point out that the reproduction was done by me with no cloning program or other automated process but only by manual tracing of the original board using a multimeter and then comparing my schematics with the available ones.


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