Friday, 24 January 2020

Irem 'KNA6021901' reproduction

Another custom IC reproduction successfully achieved.The part in question is marked 'KNA6021901' in DIP42 package (600 mil) :

It can be found on Irem hardware like M62 (Kung-Fu Master, Lode Runner, Kid Niki and other boards) and M75 (Vigilante).It's always used in pair and, as schematics shows, it's kind of clock divider :

In order to reproduce it, as always I do, I looked at some bootlegs boards where functions of this custom are performed by common logic gates.I was able to extrapolate the equivalent circuit that then I routed to a proper board layout which came out with same dimensions of original part :

The testing was successful on a Vigilante PCB :

This hopefully will help to preserve more and more boards from death.

1 comment:

  1. do you think a failure of that custom pcb would cause a constant reset of a game after the this is for Japan only warning message?
    I have a Kickle Cubicle, which uses a KNA6021902, it resets after that message.

