Thursday, 21 September 2023

Mitsubishi 'MN50005XTA' and 'M60002-0118P' reproduction

The Mitsubishi 'MN50005XTA' and 'M60002-0118P' are two custom chips found on Tecmo arcade PCBs of mid/late '80 like Rygar/Argos no Senshi, Silk Worm, Gemini Wing, Solomon's Key and few other boards.

The Mitsubishi 'MN50005XTA' is a DIP28 .600mil plastic part :

Whereas the 'M60002-0118P' is DIP42 .600mil (always with plastic case)

I had these two custom ICs in my reproduction TO-DO list since some time, it was only matter to find some bootleg boards to study how the function of these custom ICs were reverse-engineered.

As soon as I found them I extracted the equivalent circuit and then designed the replacements with simple TTL gates :

'MN50005XTA' reproduction :

'M60002-0118P' reproduction :

Both replacements worked at first try when tested on my boards (Rygar and Silk Worm)




Since the designs have been validated a CPLD version of the TTL reproductions will follow later.

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